Orienting via Xeper

The essence of the psyche, stated Set in the Book of Coming Forth by Night, is such that its existence is neither dependent upon the material nor imprisoned in it for testing or task-fulfilling purposed. Rather the physical body provides a vehicle in which the psyche can become aware of itself and then reach out towards theContinue reading “Orienting via Xeper”

Recovering the Hermetica

Byzantine emperor Alexios I faced a seemingly insurmountable challenge in the 11th Century. Despite being the heir to the Roman Empire, Alexios I saw his area of rule diminishing with the expansion of the Seljuq dynasty. The House of Seljuq was a Turkish family who practiced a Sunni variation of Islam that, in time, integratedContinue reading “Recovering the Hermetica”

Zarathustra, the First Magus

Little about the life of Zarathustra is known for sure. While tradition places his birth to some time in the 6th Century BCE, there are credible arguments for his being alive as far back as the 18th Century BCE. Two texts are attributed to him directly, the Yasna Haptanghaiti and the Gathas, which take the form ofContinue reading “Zarathustra, the First Magus”

Zarathustra’s Influence

The full extent of the influence of Zarathustra is beyond the scope of a blog post. However, a look at his influence, directly and indirectly, upon Western thought will prove to illuminate.  According to Porphyry’s Life of Pythagoras, the Pythagorean tradition held that their founder, Pythagoras, had studied with Zoroaster, the Greek name for Zarathustra, inContinue reading “Zarathustra’s Influence”


The English “Aeon” derives from the Greek word αἰών (aiṓn). Aἰών is a masculine word in the third declination with a few meanings. Aἰών early on meant simply “lifetime” or “the length of life of a man.” In time it took on the meaning of “generation” or what Anthropologists would call an “Age Grade.” ThoseContinue reading “Aeon”