The Vortex Rite: Notes on Off-White Magic

The bare bones of the Vortex Rite, with minimal commentary on the meaning or interpretation. That will follow. Words in caps are in Ouranian Barbaric with definition following. Cry out HUT (meaning “start”) Point in front of you with both hands, index fingers together. Say XIQUAL UDINBAK (Manifest Chaos) Separate the fingers so that youContinue reading “The Vortex Rite: Notes on Off-White Magic”

Saturday with Robert Anton Wilson

Longer ago than is probably wise to admit Robert Anton Wilson’s ideas crashed into my life over a Holiday season. He was a needed contribution to my thinking, and an example of someone from the same featureless backwaters of Brooklyn who did something with his life while also being weird as hell. Everything in myContinue reading “Saturday with Robert Anton Wilson”

The Spectral Janitor of Academy 23 (i)

Since the fall I have been finding myself looking over the remains of “Academy 23,” the hypothetical school of magic inclusive of figured such as William S. Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Robert Anton Wilson, and Genesis P-Orridge. It’s now roughly 23 months since P-Orridge’s death*, meaning the collapsed remains of the Academy has had some timeContinue reading “The Spectral Janitor of Academy 23 (i)”