Active Remanifestation

Most Initiates wait until they are forced to Remanifest. They engage in a kind of “Reactive Remanfiestation” where they wait until the last minute, making their Remanifestation harder and more limited than needed. “Active Remanifestation” , in contrast, comes from recognizing that a change process, including Xeper, is taking place, and the decision is made thenContinue reading “Active Remanifestation”

Utilizing Remanifest

Remanifestation acts as a necessary skill for someone pursuing the dynamic evolutionary force of Xeper in the World. To develop the skills necessary for Remanifestation, we must go beyond how we have behaved up until now. We must develop new perspectives and adopt new models of understanding ourselves, our cultures, and the natural order. We will needContinue reading “Utilizing Remanifest”


The first Aeon Enhancing Magus Recognized by the Temple of Set to survive the Curse of that Grade was James Lewis, Magus of Remanifestation/Remanifest. His statement for his Word can be found in Dr. Michael A. Aquino’s Temple of Set. A question from another Magister to then-Magister Lewis about what happens to the Initiate after deathContinue reading “Remanifestation”