The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Modeling (iii)

Conscious Abstracting  You are bombarded with more information every second than your nervous system can cope with. Most of this happens below the threshold of your awareness. Within your awareness, you will need to develop skills at recognizing what is important and, perhaps more critically, what is not important for you to pay attention to.Continue reading “The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Modeling (iii)”

The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Modeling (i)

Modeling  One of the mind’s most potent capacities is the ability to create models of reality to understand themselves better, others, and the world. Through processes of abstraction, ways of looking at processes and systems can be created and exchanged that allow for the highlighting of certain aspects that may be invisible otherwise to increaseContinue reading “The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Modeling (i)”