Recovering the Hermetica

Byzantine emperor Alexios I faced a seemingly insurmountable challenge in the 11th Century. Despite being the heir to the Roman Empire, Alexios I saw his area of rule diminishing with the expansion of the Seljuq dynasty. The House of Seljuq was a Turkish family who practiced a Sunni variation of Islam that, in time, integratedContinue reading “Recovering the Hermetica”


The English “Aeon” derives from the Greek word αἰών (aiṓn). Aἰών is a masculine word in the third declination with a few meanings. Aἰών early on meant simply “lifetime” or “the length of life of a man.” In time it took on the meaning of “generation” or what Anthropologists would call an “Age Grade.” ThoseContinue reading “Aeon”