Apocalypse and John Dee

Within the early phases of the Protestant Reformation and the first formalizing stirrings of the Witch Craze would emerge, the most important of the Righteous Scholar Magicians for the English-speaking world, Dr. John Dee (1527–1608). Dee would integrate a profound understanding of Mathematics, Astronomy, and Astrology with the magical methods developed from the distribution ofContinue reading “Apocalypse and John Dee”

Recovering the Hermetica

Byzantine emperor Alexios I faced a seemingly insurmountable challenge in the 11th Century. Despite being the heir to the Roman Empire, Alexios I saw his area of rule diminishing with the expansion of the Seljuq dynasty. The House of Seljuq was a Turkish family who practiced a Sunni variation of Islam that, in time, integratedContinue reading “Recovering the Hermetica”