Aeons and the Sethian Gnostics

Another group of Gnostics, the Sethians, would contribute another critical concept to the cluster of ideas around the word “Aeon.” Until fairly recently, what was known about their beliefs came from the writings of Irenaeus, a Second Century Bishop of Lugdunum in Gaul. The Sethians’ focus was mainly on the period before the Creation NarrativesContinue reading “Aeons and the Sethian Gnostics”

Aeon in Gnosticism

In the Second Century of the Common Era, the notion of “Aeon” underwent a critical transformation within the teachings of a Gnostic Christian heresy called Valentinianism. This movement originated with the Egyptian thinker Valentinus, born in 100 CE and educated in Alexandria. He was involved with the Catholic community in Rome. Though none of hisContinue reading “Aeon in Gnosticism”