Constraints: Self and Others

A classic psychology experiment involves three volunteers entering a room to take a test at desks. The test itself is relatively insignificant, involving a long series of multiple-choice questions. In the course of taking the exam, smoke begins to fill the room through vents. What do you think happens? The test, of course, has littleContinue reading “Constraints: Self and Others”

Constrains: Orienting by Desire II

Look at your sheet from the other day outlining your Visions and Challenges. Re-read the past few days’ essays related to identity and cognitive biases. How can these ideas, and your further exploration of these topics, be used to rethink and develop your sense of your Challenges? Are specific modes of identification helping to createContinue reading “Constrains: Orienting by Desire II”

Constraints: Beyond Sleepwalking

Humanity’s default conditions can be considered sleepwalking, as the Fourth Way suggests. Another way of looking at it is that the Gift of Set acts as a complex series of systems designed to function on autopilot. Our problems, more often than not, come from this autopilot system having never been appropriately programmed despite its brilliantContinue reading “Constraints: Beyond Sleepwalking”

Constraints: Orienting by Desire

Orienting by Desire  When you are in territories without maps, it is only by your Desire that you can orient. The best orientation on the Left Hand Path comes from having a clear sense of what you want at the present moment and what it is you are facing. Doing so will allow you toContinue reading “Constraints: Orienting by Desire”

Constraints: Introduction

Constraints Take a moment and focus on your breathing. You can direct your breath specifically, making it shallower or deeper. Most of the time, however, your breath is simply working independently without needing attention. While most people realize this reasonably early in life, another process is continually running outside of our awareness: the Mind.  ThisContinue reading “Constraints: Introduction”