Constraints: Further Readings

This post marks the end of the section about some constraints upon the Gift of Set. As such, I would like to share further reading suggestions for those interested. As with all things Setian, these are suggestions, not prescriptions. You are free to pursue or ignore them as you see them resonate with your Work.Continue reading “Constraints: Further Readings”

Orienting by Desire: External Structures 

Take a look at your challenges, especially your external Challenges. Now, apply your insights from the most recent discussions around external structures and apply them to your Challenges. Maybe you have noticed that boredom and an under-enriched “Human Zoo” has been a major factor in the persistent depression you have been experiencing. Perhaps our inabilityContinue reading “Orienting by Desire: External Structures “

Constraints: Working Memory and Span of Control

Human awareness has operating limitations built into its structure. Perhaps the most widely known was discovered by George A. Miller in 1956 concerning “working memory.” Through empirical studies, Miller found that participants could keep between five and nine elements in their working memory, with seven being the average. This leads to a simple formula, “7Continue reading “Constraints: Working Memory and Span of Control”

Constraints: The Human Zoo

Since the Neolithic, humanity has lived increasingly in environments resulting from its intentions and unintended consequences. As societies have become more complex, we increasingly live in environments that only minimally reflect the environmental context in which we originally evolved and thrived. This has had some profound effects that essentially go unnoticed. Also, since the Neolithic,Continue reading “Constraints: The Human Zoo”

Constraints: Cognitive, Affective, and Conative

One of the better models of the mind, likely with fairly ancient roots, separates it into three dimensions: cognitive, affective, and conative. The cognitive covers the linguistic and symbolic modes of thought. The affective deals with emotion and feeling. The conative deals with action and activities. Simplified terms for these would be Thinking, Feeling, andContinue reading “Constraints: Cognitive, Affective, and Conative”

Constraints: Abstractions Towards Culture

“The mind has to be built out of specialized parts because it has to solve specialized problems. Only an angel could be a general problem-solver; we mortals have to make fallible guesses from fragmentary information. Each of our mental modules solves its unsolvable problem by a leap of faith about how the world works, byContinue reading “Constraints: Abstractions Towards Culture”

The Path of Least Resistance Quote

Structure determines behavior. The way anything is structured determines the behavior within that structure. The next time you are in a building, notice how the structure of the building determines your path through it. Although you may move to your destination in a variety of ways within the building, your actions are still determined byContinue reading “The Path of Least Resistance Quote”

Culture in Mind Quote

“The implications are, quite literally, mind-bending. At birth, the human brain weighs a mere 25 percent of its eventual adult weight. This is a curious state of affairs for the brainiest of the primates. A macaque, by contrast, is born with a brain that is 60 percent of its adult weight. Its neural growth hasContinue reading “Culture in Mind Quote”

Constraints: Orienting by Desire III

Orienting By Desire: Challenges  For those of you doing the exercise portion of this series, take another look at your Challenges. How does other people influence your challenges? What assumptions about yourself and the world you inherited form others? How can consciously using the influence of others be a tool towards overcoming your Challenges? Re-writeContinue reading “Constraints: Orienting by Desire III”

Constraints: Behavioral and Cultural Transmission

There is an apocryphal tale told among Primatologists that, unfortunately, has some roots in actual research. As an experiment, five monkeys are put into a cage together. In the center of the cage is a staircase leading up to a set of hanging bananas. Seeing the bananas and being monkeys, the monkeys step onto theContinue reading “Constraints: Behavioral and Cultural Transmission”