θέλημα as Aeonic Utterance

You may notice I tend to use the formal Greek θέλημα for Crowley’s 9=2 Utterance. Part of the reason for this is to jar a bit against the conventional ideas, some from Crowley and some from his interpreters, about “Thelema.” In particular, I think it is worth taking a look at what the natural languageContinue reading “θέλημα as Aeonic Utterance”

To Mega Therion and the Aeon

1909, based upon the Enochian visions described in The Vision and the Voice, Crowley would claim the Grade of Magister Templi within his A.’.A.’. The comment published with The Vision and the Voice in 1911 CE outlines the doctrine of Aeons drawn from the repeated use of the term “Aeon” in his visions and their association with HorusContinue reading “To Mega Therion and the Aeon”

The Beast and the Book

Aleister Crowley’s family had been members of the Plymouth Brethren, a community of worshipers whose Christian doctrine derived from the world of John Nelson Darby (1800 CE– 1882 CE). Like many 19th Century Christians, notably the American Baptist William Miller (1782 CE – 1849 CE), Darby felt that the time of Great Revelation was atContinue reading “The Beast and the Book”