Tactics of Rulership: Tension, Mobility, and Compensation

Due to certain quirks in our awareness, we spend most of our lives in physically uncomfortable positions. Hunched over computers, twisted up in couches, and standing on public transit, we create networks of habitual tension due to a lack of awareness of our physiology. The answer to this process of unconscious habitual tension is toContinue reading “Tactics of Rulership: Tension, Mobility, and Compensation”

Tactics of Rulership: Introduction

Applying the Gift of Set effectively involves learning to see non-obvious solutions. It also means, to some extent, learning to see why the obvious solutions are traps in their own right. One of the most apparent areas for this is the tactics people use for what they consider “success.”  Ask someone the one thing thatContinue reading “Tactics of Rulership: Introduction”

The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Further Reading

Part III: The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set The Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell  The Structural Study of Myth by Claude Levi-Strauss  The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious by Carl Jung  Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin to Munger by Peter Bevelin  The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy by E. D. Hirsch  Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson Continue reading “The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Further Reading”

Orienting by Desire: Cycling Through the Curved Qualities

Exercise: Cycling Through the Curved Qualities  Having now covered five “curved” qualities of the Gift of Set and fifteen tools that utilize these features, let’s take a practical run through them all. This is only one pattern with the tools and qualities; other orders can be developed. Those of you who choose to develop otherContinue reading “Orienting by Desire: Cycling Through the Curved Qualities”

The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Germinating

Germinating  The final curved quality of the Gift of Set I will discuss is its capacity to create emergent systems. The best metaphor for this is that of plants germinating, which requires an interaction between a seed and a soil matrix. In addition to the direct metaphor of Germination, it also provides additional considerations, namelyContinue reading “The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Germinating”

The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Modeling (iii)

Conscious Abstracting  You are bombarded with more information every second than your nervous system can cope with. Most of this happens below the threshold of your awareness. Within your awareness, you will need to develop skills at recognizing what is important and, perhaps more critically, what is not important for you to pay attention to.Continue reading “The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Modeling (iii)”

The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Modeling (ii)

Component Modeling  A powerful modeling tool has been woven into this series thus far. It is the way of looking at the world through the six physical, emotional, and mental dimensions of the self-complex, with ecology, community, and culture as dimensions of the external world. Each of these layers has an interactive effect on theContinue reading “The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Modeling (ii)”

The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Modeling (i)

Modeling  One of the mind’s most potent capacities is the ability to create models of reality to understand themselves better, others, and the world. Through processes of abstraction, ways of looking at processes and systems can be created and exchanged that allow for the highlighting of certain aspects that may be invisible otherwise to increaseContinue reading “The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Modeling (i)”

The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Active “Beliefing”

Active Beliefing  Our beliefs act as boundary conditions for our senses of perception and interpretation. They are often grouped in clusters, with one set of beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world supporting additional beliefs. Some beliefs may be valid or useful, while others may be limiting or debilitating.  Beliefs tend to be very highlyContinue reading “The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Active “Beliefing””

The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Active Perspectives

Key to your perception is your perspective. Where you are located in the Universe and the ways you interpret what you are experiencing in the Universe are unique yet partial. As an aspect of the Universe, you will likely never be able to perceive the entirety of it. Instead, you can come to valid yetContinue reading “The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Active Perspectives”