
The first Aeon Enhancing Magus Recognized by the Temple of Set to survive the Curse of that Grade was James Lewis, Magus of Remanifestation/Remanifest. His statement for his Word can be found in Dr. Michael A. Aquino’s Temple of Set. A question from another Magister to then-Magister Lewis about what happens to the Initiate after deathContinue reading “Remanifestation”

Distinguishing Subjective and Objective

E-PRIME, abolishing all forms of the verb “to be” has its roots in the field4 of general semantics, as presented by Alfred Korzybski in his 1933 book,Science and Sanity. Korzybski pointed out the pitfalls associated with, andproduced by, two usages of “to be”: identity and predication. His student. DDavid Bourland, Jr., observed that even linguisticallyContinue reading “Distinguishing Subjective and Objective”

Desire in Unknown Territories

When you are in a territory without maps, it is only by your Desire that you can orient. The best orientation on the Left Hand Path comes from having a clear sense of what you are facing and what you want at the present moment. Doing so will allow you to integrate the material inContinue reading “Desire in Unknown Territories”


Initiation begins with the Inner Work of disconnecting and decolonizing your subjective universe from non-beneficial forces. It is a matter of taking what you have acquired by happenstance and re-designing your inner landscape as your own. It then moves towards applying your self-designed being to the transformation of your outer world.  Some have wondered whyContinue reading “Sparks”

The Aeon Enhancing Magus

Suppose you are willing to take seriously my idea that the Primary Utterance of Xeper is best understood as the Utterance of the Verb-Root itself. In that case, you quickly run into a challenge. Because of its purity and infinite ways of conjugation, the Primary Utterance can be tremendously overwhelming. It stands as a unique fire withinContinue reading “The Aeon Enhancing Magus”

Orienting via Xeper

The essence of the psyche, stated Set in the Book of Coming Forth by Night, is such that its existence is neither dependent upon the material nor imprisoned in it for testing or task-fulfilling purposed. Rather the physical body provides a vehicle in which the psyche can become aware of itself and then reach out towards theContinue reading “Orienting via Xeper”