Orienting by Desire: Final 2D Iteration

This will be one of the last iterations of your Visions in the manner we have been doing them. New approaches will be taken as this series continues to unfold. Look over your Visions as they presently stand. How does each Vision potentially affect one of your other visions? Are there any that are clearlyContinue reading “Orienting by Desire: Final 2D Iteration”

The Elusive Obvious: Learning by Doing

One of the great shocks encountered in development comes from the realization that your perception of reality and reality itself are often very, very different. Dr. Aquino alludes to this in “Black Magic” in his discussion of cutting a Moebius strip and how what we think will happen is at marked odds with what doesContinue reading “The Elusive Obvious: Learning by Doing”

The Elusive Obvious: Transitions

The place within systems where the most energy can be leveraged or lost comes at the points of interaction between parts. If you want to understand a system, and even more if you want to affect the system, training to see how the parts of the system interact is critical.  In human systems, three majorContinue reading “The Elusive Obvious: Transitions”

Orienting by Desire: Systemic Visions

Take a look over your Visions so far in all six dimensions. How do your individual internal aspects, physical, emotional and intellectual, operate as systems? Are there ways in which “parts” of these systems could be swapped out for better “parts” leading to translative improvements? What things could be brought into a systemic relationship withContinue reading “Orienting by Desire: Systemic Visions”

The Elusive Obvious: Translation and Transformation in Systems

When functioning, systems operate with general efficiency within the context in which they operate. However, any system can be subject to stress, threatening the overall system with collapse and dissipation. Most systems have two means of coping with stress being applied: translation and transformation. When a system adjusts to stress via translation, it maintains theContinue reading “The Elusive Obvious: Translation and Transformation in Systems”

The Elusive Obvious: Holonic Systems

One approach towards thinking about phenomena that can be profoundly powerful is that provided by Systems Theory. What qualifies as a “system” is relatively simple: a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole. Once understood, systems thinking can provide a powerful tool for understanding physical, chemical, biological, and social phenomena and giveContinue reading “The Elusive Obvious: Holonic Systems”

Orienting by Desire: Compelling Visions 

Why does having a Vision for yourself matter? Why bother revising your Visions regularly?  Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi estimates in Flow that the human mind can integrate roughly 126 bits of information per second. This seems like a reasonably large amount of information at first glance. However, it is estimated that our nervous system is being bombarded by millionsContinue reading “Orienting by Desire: Compelling Visions “

The Elusive Obvious: Decision Making

Basic decision making by humans follows a fairly similar pattern. This pattern can be made conscious and used as a tool, or it can be allowed to operate in the background, often with bad habits. Each phase of this pattern has its own pitfalls, which will be discussed. I bring up this topic in theContinue reading “The Elusive Obvious: Decision Making”