Navigating a World of Ideology

One of the challenges in attempting to face the world from a philosophical orientation is that you still exist in a world where the majority of humans you will meet and interact with are operating from an ideological orientation. As such, one needs tools for understanding ideological structures and assumptions without necessarily falling prey toContinue reading “Navigating a World of Ideology”

θέλημα as Aeonic Utterance

You may notice I tend to use the formal Greek θέλημα for Crowley’s 9=2 Utterance. Part of the reason for this is to jar a bit against the conventional ideas, some from Crowley and some from his interpreters, about “Thelema.” In particular, I think it is worth taking a look at what the natural languageContinue reading “θέλημα as Aeonic Utterance”

The Vortex Rite: Notes on Off-White Magic

The bare bones of the Vortex Rite, with minimal commentary on the meaning or interpretation. That will follow. Words in caps are in Ouranian Barbaric with definition following. Cry out HUT (meaning “start”) Point in front of you with both hands, index fingers together. Say XIQUAL UDINBAK (Manifest Chaos) Separate the fingers so that youContinue reading “The Vortex Rite: Notes on Off-White Magic”