Tactics of Rulership: Introduction

Applying the Gift of Set effectively involves learning to see non-obvious solutions. It also means, to some extent, learning to see why the obvious solutions are traps in their own right. One of the most apparent areas for this is the tactics people use for what they consider “success.” 

Ask someone the one thing that will solve their problems, and with surprising uniformity, they will say, “Money!” As a result, most people are in pursuit of money as an end goal in itself and will do any dumb thing in order to get it. More tellingly, they can easily be manipulated by those who promise them rapid ways of getting money, provided they are willing to part with their own money. Suppose you have ever witnessed this or been subject to this impulse. In that case, you probably know it is a rapidly losing approach. 

The Setian pursuit of Sovereignty functions as potentially a more grounded and fulfilling approach to “success” while allowing for the fundamental self-definition of what that might mean. The following collections of tactics can be considered elaboration upon the fundamental discussion of this process in Ipsissimus Webb’s Uncle Setnakt’s Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path, especially the pursuit of Inner and Outer Rulership. 

There is an order towards pursuing long-term Rulership in the World that, while not wholly uniform, makes for the most overall effective way of pursuing it. The pattern is pretty simple. You start with the things you can more directly affect, your internal physical, emotional, and intellectual dimensions, in that order. Then, once you are sound and robust internally, you turn your attention externally toward ecology, community, and culture. Doing this requires conscious selfishness, like putting on your oxygen mask before you can help someone else in a fire. The reason for this pattern is pretty simple. Still, it is worth reviewing before going into detail to develop your approach to each level. 

The Internal Physical deals with your physical health and provides the overall energy for your ability to take action. The Internal Emotional, which emerges from the physical, provides a cyclical pattern of experiences to guide you through the World, provided it has a healthy energy source and free expression. The Internal Mental, which emerges from emotions and is powered by the physical, provides the most significant Internal leverage for understanding and making changes to the World. If these three elements are healthy, strong, and expressive, they protect against overwhelming complexities and manipulative agendas designed to distract, demoralize, and direct you. 

The External Physical includes fundamentals like food, shelter, security, and income. The External Emotional involves finding other humans and non-human beings that support your Work through your interactions and shared contributions. The External Mental comes from collaboration and co-creating meaning structures and experiences. 

Coming to grips with the Internal can happen pretty rapidly. While it can take five to eight years to get everything fully optimized, functional results improving all these dimensions can happen in as little as one to two years. External dimensions will require much more long-term effort, sustaining your morale and maintaining efforts even when their results are not immediate to yourself or others. When all six of these dimensions are fully up and running, something else can emerge, but what it is will have to wait for another time. 

You may find more and hopefully better than you bargained for in the following material.

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