The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Modeling (iii)

Conscious Abstracting 

You are bombarded with more information every second than your nervous system can cope with. Most of this happens below the threshold of your awareness. Within your awareness, you will need to develop skills at recognizing what is important and, perhaps more critically, what is not important for you to pay attention to. Estimations are that the human mind can handle between five to nine mental “things” at a time. Everything else is subject to temporary awareness blindness. As such, we need to focus on those things that most help us achieve our Visions when relaxed and when under stress. 

Conscious abstraction uses the mind’s ability to chunk experience into discrete units of different scales intentionally. It allows you to enter into situations and become aware quickly of the critical components interacting and ignore what does not matter to your experience. This requires learning how to overcome distractions. It also demands knowing how to prioritize what knowledge in the situation, or for your models, is important and what can be left out without negatively impacting your outcome. 

A fairly good way to hone your skills at conscious abstraction can again be found in how you interact with the Temple of Set’s Reading List. Rather than reading titles simply because they are on the Reading List or because of their TOS- ranking there, first consider your Visions. Then, consider what questions about your Vision you need answers for, and begin to engage the book with that in mind. Doing this will act as a magnet, drawing out what you need from the text and causing the important aspects of it for you to stick to your thinking. You should also be aware when reading things that seem counterintuitive or directly contradict your favorite models. These friction points are where you can use the book to expand your knowledge and improve your modeling ability.

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