Orienting by Desire: Using the Tools

Orienting by Desire: Using the Tools  Look over your most recent iteration of your Visions and find one that most clearly displays a quality of Narrating. Once you have identified it, use the following questions to enrich your Visions.  Storying: What is the story behind your Vision? What does your story say about you and yourContinue reading “Orienting by Desire: Using the Tools”

The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Animating and Scaling

Our ability to engage in Narrating as a tool of the Gift of Set has two additional capacities that can either disable or empower our use of this tool. These are the ability to animate and scale our narratives. Our ability to animate relies upon our capacity to “freeze” images and ideas into static elementsContinue reading “The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Animating and Scaling”

Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Storying

Innate to humans is a capacity to create stories. When this arose is unknown. However, the capacity to take individuals, events, and emotions and like them together as a single thing, a “story” or ” narrative,” has become ubiquitous in human experience. Even when unconscious, our minds will create such stories out of dream experiences.Continue reading “Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Storying”

The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Introduction

In “The Hounds of Tindalos,” Frank Belknap Long proposed a division in time between “curved time” and “angular time.” “Curved time” was the conventional sense of time that humans, and presumably other biological organisms, experience. “Angular time” is experienced by a non-biological form of life that allows for giant leaps across space-time, jumping centuries andContinue reading “The Curved Qualities of the Gift of Set: Introduction”

Orienting by Desire: Inevitability Thinking

As sensitivity to the concept of emergence develops, so can new ways of thinking about your Visions and turning them into realities. In a sense, you can begin to think about an effect or outcome first and then backtrack, looking for the conditions that would make this outcome inevitable starting now. In doing this, weContinue reading “Orienting by Desire: Inevitability Thinking”

The Elusive Obvious: Further Reading

Part II: The Elusive Obvious The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution by P.D. Ouspensky  Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston  The Philosopher’s Toolkit by Julian Baggini and Peter S. Fosl  Quantum Psychology by Robert Anton Wilson  How to Re-Imagine the World by Anthony Weston  Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Czikzentmihalyi  Vital Lies, Simple Truths by Daniel Goleman  A TheoryContinue reading “The Elusive Obvious: Further Reading”

Orienting by Desire: Final 2D Iteration

This will be one of the last iterations of your Visions in the manner we have been doing them. New approaches will be taken as this series continues to unfold. Look over your Visions as they presently stand. How does each Vision potentially affect one of your other visions? Are there any that are clearlyContinue reading “Orienting by Desire: Final 2D Iteration”

The Elusive Obvious: Learning by Doing

One of the great shocks encountered in development comes from the realization that your perception of reality and reality itself are often very, very different. Dr. Aquino alludes to this in “Black Magic” in his discussion of cutting a Moebius strip and how what we think will happen is at marked odds with what doesContinue reading “The Elusive Obvious: Learning by Doing”

The Elusive Obvious: Transitions

The place within systems where the most energy can be leveraged or lost comes at the points of interaction between parts. If you want to understand a system, and even more if you want to affect the system, training to see how the parts of the system interact is critical.  In human systems, three majorContinue reading “The Elusive Obvious: Transitions”