Orienting by Desire: Visions 

Keyhole in wall with drawing business concept

In my previous discussions of the constraints on the Gift of Set and the extended exploration of how those constraints inform our Challenges, I mentioned Ipsissimus Flowers’ “Awaken, See, Act” formula. In its basic form, it means Awakening to present circumstances, Seeing what is actually occurring, and then taking Action. In following this formula, you will be far ahead of nearly any other human you encounter. 

As training in applying this formula, learning to See while choosing not to Act can be valuable. It starts to provide a sense of how the autopilot functions operate. You may even find yourself impressed by the sophistication and power this autopilot system has upon you and the world. And when you do begin to Act, you will likely find that the autopilot system does the majority of the work at following through on those actions. 

Yet there is another power of Seeing undisclosed in this formula. 

Seeing what exists is essential, and having a view of this at a high level of clarity is one of the critical things a Setian seeks to develop. However, seeing what exists as it presently “is” is also a place to see what it might become due to your Will guided by your Desire. In the moments of Awakening, being able to See in this manner, which we will call Visions, sets in motion the potential for conscious and unconscious actions aimed at making the Vision into reality. 

The more fully developed, informed and expressed a Vision, the more power it can exert while Sleeping and when Awakened. The next phase of Orienting by Desire will be crafting your Visions internally (physical, emotional, intellectual) and externally (ecology, community, culture)that will guide you in integrating the subsequent phases of my writing and guiding your overall Work. 

Go back to one of our earliest exercises, where you wrote out your Goals and then developed them into Visions. Also, look over the notes from our work on Challenges and the kinds of constraints that you experience in your life. See how your present understanding of your constraints and Challenges informs your thinking about your original Visions. How do they change? How do they interconnect? How can working in one area affect what is happening in another area? 

Now, write out your current Visions internally in all three dimensions and externally in all three dimensions. Have at least one Vision, three to seven words, clearly written so that someone can understand it and verify if it occurs. Do not take too long on this, as this is simply the first of many iterations. For now, we are simply learning the primary form of this exercise. Perfection of your Vision doesn’t matter. The connection of it to your Desires does. 

Like other things, this, too, will evolve and increase in its sophistication.

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