Orienting by Desire: External Structures 

Take a look at your challenges, especially your external Challenges. Now, apply your insights from the most recent discussions around external structures and apply them to your Challenges. Maybe you have noticed that boredom and an under-enriched “Human Zoo” has been a major factor in the persistent depression you have been experiencing. Perhaps our inability to concentrate on your intellectual tasks results from undue stress in other areas of your life, clipping away at your working memory. Re-write your Challenges as a result of your insights. 

This will be our last pass through our Challenges, at least for this series. What you now have before you is something very few people have ever seen: their most significant Challenges outlined in detail in their hand. Even if this is as far as you ever get in the Orienting by Desire aspect of this writing, you are not light years ahead of nearly everyone you have ever met or will ever meet.

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