Active Remanifestation

Most Initiates wait until they are forced to Remanifest. They engage in a kind of “Reactive Remanfiestation” where they wait until the last minute, making their Remanifestation harder and more limited than needed. “Active Remanifestation” , in contrast, comes from recognizing that a change process, including Xeper, is taking place, and the decision is made then that something new will need to be done. The best spend their time learning and doing new things, knowing that Remanfiestation will be inevitable. Hence, they are prepared and in a great place when the time comes. This final form can be thought of as a “Proactive Remanifestation” approach.

Remanifestation is creative. Your life becomes an example of this creativity. Creativity comes from putting existing things together in new ways and integrating new materials into existing patterns. 

Remanifestation is not just a change of role. It is a change of identity.

For Remanifestation, you will have to let go of important things. The natural tendency is to clench to the important things. The non-natural requirement of Remanifestation is to be able to release what has been important so that it may serve your new being condition.

Remanifestation requires that you take risks. You will need to do things you have never done before, for which the outcomes are unknown. Fear will come with this, as will the need for courage. Courage comes not from being fearless but from transcending fear and including what is important that the fear is trying to warn you about.

Remanifestation often comes from having to make a tough decision. Dilemmas arise with our “Destiny Moments.” The call of “what has been” and “what could be” are in conflict, and deciding which direction to go will determine whether you will successfully Remanifest or if you will maintain a given manifestation.

Remanifestation requires a leap upwards. The next level will not come easy. You will have to make efforts on Human, Heroic, and Divine levels to break through to the new worlds opening to you. 

Remanifestation requires that you shift the way of your life. Who you are, the games you are playing, and your values systems will need to be released and Remanifest. Where and how your life, what you consume physically and mentally, and the people you share your life with will have to change. More than anything, the realization that death of this embodied incarnation is inevitable can help guide you towards your most profound purpose and what needs to be let go to achieve this purpose.

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