Utilizing Remanifest

Remanifestation acts as a necessary skill for someone pursuing the dynamic evolutionary force of Xeper in the World.

To develop the skills necessary for Remanifestation, we must go beyond how we have behaved up until now. We must develop new perspectives and adopt new models of understanding ourselves, our cultures, and the natural order. We will need to look at our lives and reality in new ways. 

In beginning this series, you set in motion a new phase in your Xeper that your initiative and your sense of Initiation will guide. It will take much from you to set this in motion and sustain the Remanifestation that becomes available.

Change occurs at present faster than it ever has in the human domain. The kinds of changes that used to take centuries to occur happen within a few short decades. As information increases, the rate of change increases exponentially. In most cases, These changes are not guided by intention but rather by happenstance. The unexpected and uncertain rules in times like these require the Initiate to face these changes while remaining true to their sense of Self and their commitment to Xeper. The anxiety and fear that the unexpected and uncertain brings cause many to close down and miss the growth opportunities that come with the increasing rate of change. 

The present human beings alive on the Earth represent a break with the human past. For the roughly 300,000 years that our species has been on the Earth, the shared experience was for lifeways to stay essentially the same throughout one’s lifetime and across generations. This pattern would be disrupted occasionally but would stabilize into new lifeways. At present, we are seeing not only individual lifeways being disrupted but entire societal structures coming undone not once in a lifetime but several times within an individual’s life. This new territory does not have fixed rules, nor may it be able to develop fixed rules for the foreseeable future. 

Acceleration requires adaptation. 

What do you need to learn next?

Remanifestation forms the single best answer. 

Interestingly once you understand Remanifestation and how it relates to Xeper, you can see how it scales across all domains, lines of development, and levels of being. It forms an invaluable tool for focusing and directing Xeper.

Everything you have been up until now will accompany you on this process. However, what was once your identity may transform into the raw material and objects from which you will shape your new Being. A pathway forward will open to you that you have never considered before and which will shape not only yourself but the world.

Here are some ways to think about this:

In the future, projects from businesses, careers, and entire industries will have increasingly shorter lifespans. You will need to change faster and learn faster than at any other time. You will also need to learn how to let go of things faster and more thoroughly than ever before.

Opportunity grows exponentially, but the most significant opportunities require Remanifestation. You need to know how it works and how to look for it. You will need to become someone who can see these opportunities forming before others, see what you need to learn and take advantage of what they offer. 

Remanifestation is inherent to Xeper. It applies to natural evolutionary processes as much as to non-natural ones. It does not abandon what came before. Instead, the transcendence that Xeper offers goes through a process of utilization, including what already exists in new and unexpected ways. What you have been will come with you, but it will not serve the same roles that it has in your past. 

Suggested Exercise:

Look into biological examples of how older structures get repurposed by later species. For example, did you know your jaw bone derived from gill support structures in fish 430 million years ago? The natural world has many examples of similar patterns. If you have an eye for it, so do human social structures and cultural phenomena. Start filling your mind with images and examples of these kinds of things to provide resources to your imagination and thinking.

One thought on “Utilizing Remanifest

  1. Excellent! I love these posts from Setemheb. I always say, when it comes to Knowledge, Truth, and Wisdom. Those in the Temple of Set are the Elite of the Elite. When it comes to Initiatory LHP exercises, knowledge, practices, discernment of Truth and how to navigate in the Objective and Subjective Universe. Those in the TOS and affiliates have helped me clear out the cobwebs, and all the nonsense I was thought by our degenerate society and so-called School system. Thank you to all, and keep this excellent truth coming. Till next time, Xeper!


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