
The first Aeon Enhancing Magus Recognized by the Temple of Set to survive the Curse of that Grade was James Lewis, Magus of Remanifestation/Remanifest. His statement for his Word can be found in Dr. Michael A. Aquino’s Temple of Set. A question from another Magister to then-Magister Lewis about what happens to the Initiate after death prompted the initial answer of “Remanifest.” In time this initial answer grew and developed until it became clear that this answer had far more implications than simply one of life and death that was scalable to the whole of Initiation.

Remanifest can be approached in many ways, but the most fruitful for my discussion is considering it as a response to the cyclical aspects of Xeper. As you evolve and unfold new qualities of your Being, these new qualities need to be enfolded into your lived experience. As Xeper transformed all of your Being, dark and light, beneficial and hazardous, one could guide the process towards arranging this new Being in more optimized ways, realizing that as new Being continued to unfold, you would need to repeat this process again and again.

Ipsissimus Lewis’ early fascination with Leviathan, especially the Statement of Leviathan in The Diabolicon, tied his sense of where Xeper occurs as having to be in the here and now and not as a form of mental abstraction. His mode as a Magician was heavily influenced by the Aeon of Horus, including, to some extent, the Kabbalistic interests of the Magus Therion. Leviathan, Lamed-Vau-Yod-Tav-Nun, yields a numerical value of 496 in that tradition. This is also the number of Malkuth/The Kingdom, i.e., Manifest Reality. The Work of the Word of the Grandmaster of the Order of Leviathan can only be tested in Malkuth/Manifest Reality should not come as a shock but may act as a Key for some.

Being the remarkable fellow he is, Ipsissimus Lewis can bring all of these implications crashing down on another Initiate’s pontifications with the simple question, “So what?” I have witnessed those two simple words deflate decades of pretension. That which cannot past this elegant test can be seen as ever having been of true Initiatory significance. This question took on Aeon-wide impact with “The Chicago Letter,” where Lewis called into question the entire value of conventional occultism in favor of a core Setian approach minus playacting and pomp.

What does this have to do with Xeper, particularly in a linguistic orientation? The modified reading of the Verb Root hpr that most resonate with the Aeonic Formula “Xeper and Remanifest” is the previously discussed Imperfective Tense of the Verb. As previously stated:

Imperfect Tense: “The imperfective expresses imperfective or extended action: action that is in some way repeated, ongoing, or incomplete. This is an aspect rather than tense. Like the perfective and other Middle Egyptian verb forms, the imperfective is essentially tenseless. It often has to be translated by an English present tense, but it can also be used regarding past or future actions.” (pg. 267)

James P. Allen, Middle Egyptian

Whereas the Primary Utterance of Xeper is omnidirectional, Remanifest focuses on expressing your transformed Being for ongoing reiteration with feedback. Where Xeper can, in some ways, be regarded as Perfect in and of itself, Remanifest reminds us that one’s Work is never completed, even in death. Whereas the Primary Utterance of Xeper is Eternal, Remanifest brings this action to the present moment.

It was not by the drive towards Perfection by which Xeper was Enhanced but by the embrace and use of the imperfect aspects of our experience of Xeper. With this realization and its Teaching, James Lewis became the first Aeon Enhancing Magus to push beyond to become Ipsissimus. By his Word was more of the Aeon of Set known and capable of being known. By his Work was the 18-lettered formula revealed: Xeper and Remanifest.

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