The Spectral Janitor of Academy 23 (i)

Since the fall I have been finding myself looking over the remains of “Academy 23,” the hypothetical school of magic inclusive of figured such as William S. Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Robert Anton Wilson, and Genesis P-Orridge. It’s now roughly 23 months since P-Orridge’s death*, meaning the collapsed remains of the Academy has had some time to cool off. All four of the names mentioned above were influences on my early Initiation, and I touched hands with three of the four. Only one of them was not, on balance, a terrible person in fundamental ways.

The best way to honor the past is not through venerating only its good points. In the manner of IO, who slays Apep, the best way to properly honor the past is through making the way for the Real. That means not flinching from their limitations, failures, and worst traits. It also means having a sense of the influences they had and influence they have cast across culture and subcultures.

This will not be a systematic exploration by any means. I expect it will arise in waves as interest, access, and focus shift. Yet it is one of those themes running in the background of my thinking at the moment, and I know well enough that making those things into material others can Work with has a value.

With that, Captain Clark welcomes you aboard. 

We are here to go.

*This piece was originally written on January 20, 2023 

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