Passing Insight

Comedy will make people uncomfortable by the way it reframes conditions. In the best situations, it can completely reframe unjust structures and practices, make people rethink their ideas, and set people on a different path. But hack material (easy laughs with no insight) are more often the fallback. It’s much easier to do a “WhatContinue reading “Passing Insight”

Parasocial Magi

One of the mysteries around Anton LaVey tends to be how powerfully people feel motivated to protect the illusion that he attempted to make of himself. This is especially odd to see when someone knew him well being confronted by people who have only known the glamour. My trying to sort this out coincided withContinue reading “Parasocial Magi”

The Law of the Jungle Rethought

Inevitably as a Setian you have to end up dealing with Satanism, specifically the Satanism of Anton LaVey. In the 1980s while looking to appeal to the proto-Edgelords who were becoming attracted to his imagery, LaVey went strong on a mishmash of High School Social Darwinism. One of the quirks of this was a romanticizedContinue reading “The Law of the Jungle Rethought”

Seeing the AI Illusion

The first time I listened to Jaron Lanier talk about the illusions that both virtual reality and artificial intelligence thrive off of, I wanted to punch him. His style comes off as smug in a way that triggers the latent bully in me but only for about a half hour. Over the past few yearsContinue reading “Seeing the AI Illusion”